Minggu, 07 April 2013

Tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1st Article
English :
Father, his 2 adult children arrested in Texas bank robberies
By the CNN Wire Staff |November 18, 2012
The family that robs banks together stays together. That’s what southeastern Texas authorities allege about a father, son and daughter, tying them to a pair of bank robberies in that state and possibly five others in their native Oregon. Now, weeks after  those heists  occured, the three suspects are in the Fort Bend Country Jail. In a press release issued Friday, the Fort Bend Country, Texas, Sheriff’s Office identified the three as 50 year old Ronald Scott Catt, his 20 year old son Hayden Sott Catt and his 18 year old daughter Abigail “Abby” Catt.

Indonesia :
Ayah, 2 anak dewasanya ditangkap karena perampokan Bank di Texas
Dengan Staf Telegram CNN | 18 November 2012
Suatu keluarga merampas bank secara bersama-sama. Pihak berwenang di Texas Tenggara menyatakan tentang seorang ayah, anak laki-laki dan anak perempuannya tertangkap karena perampokan bank di negara itu dan mungkin lima orang lainnya asli Oregon. Sekarang, seminggu setelah perampokan mereka terjadi, ketiga tersangka berada di Penjara Negara Bend Fort. Dalam siaran pers yang dikeluarkan Jumat, Negara Bend Fort, Texas, Kantor Sheriff mengidentifikasi 50 tiga tahun sebagai Ronald Scott Catt, 20 tahun putranya Hayden Sott Catt dan 18 tahun nya putri Abigail "Abby" Catt.

2nd Article
English :
Italy has most bank robberies in Europe, study finds
By the CNN Wire Staff | July 1, 2010
Italy has the highest rate of bank robberies in Europe, an Italian study said this week. Of the 4,150 bank robberies that were reported in Europe in 2009, 1,744 or 42 percent were done in Italy, according to the study, which was carried out by the Italian bank watchdog Osservatorio and a trade union, CISL. Northern Italian cities, including Milan and Turin, saw the highest numbers of bank robberies, said the study, which was released Wednesday. One of the reasons Italy sees so many robberies is high cash liquidity, it said.

Indonesia :
Italia memiliki tingkat tertinggi perampokan bank di Eropa, temuan studi
Dengan Staf Telegram CNN | 1 Juli 2010
Italia memiliki tingkat tertinggi perampokan bank di Eropa, sebuah penelitian di Italia pekan ini. Dari 4.150 perampokan bank yang dilaporkan di Eropa pada tahun 2009, 1.744 atau 42 persen yang dilakukan di Italia, menurut penelitian, yang dilakukan oleh pengawas bank yang Osservatorio Italia dan serikat pekerja, CISL. Kota-kota Italia Utara, termasuk Milan dan Turin, melihat jumlah tertinggi dari perampokan bank, kata studi, yang dirilis Rabu. Salah satu alasan Italia melihat perampokan begitu banyak likuiditas kas yang tinggi, katanya.

3th Article
English :
Three bank robberies for Iowa town during Bush, Kerry visits
August 6, 2004
Three banks in this town were robbed Wednesday while President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry hosted rival campaign rallies, police said. Davenport Police Lt. Don Gano said all three armed robberies appear to have been “coordinated” to coincide with the campaign visits. Bush and Kerry held events three blocks apart. One person has been arrested in connection with one of those holdups, and investigators are trying to determine whether the other robberies were connected.

Indonesia :
Tiga perampokan bank untuk kota Iowa selama Bush, Kerry mengunjungi
6 Agustus 2004
Tiga bank di kota ini dirampok Rabu sementara Presiden Bush dan Partai Demokrat John Kerry penantang host kampanye terbuka saingannya, kata polisi. Davenport Polisi Letnan Don Gano mengatakan ketiga perampokan bersenjata tampaknya telah "terkoordinasi" bertepatan dengan kunjungan kampanye. Bush dan Kerry mengadakan acara tiga blok terpisah. Satu orang telah ditangkap sehubungan dengan salah satu holdups, dan peneliti berusaha untuk menentukan apakah perampokan lainnya yang terhubung.

Introduce Myself
Hi, my name is Dini Triana, I used to be called Dini. I live in Cijantung. I’m 21 years old and studying in Gunadarma University, in the 6 semester majoring accounting. My hobby is watching tv and swimming. I have 4 sisters and one little brother. I love them so much also my parents too. Thank you